This document tries to popularly cover the following questions: * Introduction into themes & components * How fvwm-themes works * How to create your personal parts to use with fvwm-themes * How to create a new theme * CCDS (Component Configuration and Dependancy System) * Syntax of theme.cfg Introduction into themes & components ------------------------------------- Theme is just a set of its components. Themes are placed into directories. Component is a meaningful part of the configuration, not something fixed. There are standard components; it is easier if you stick to the standard components, in this case you should not define component dependancies, they are pre-defined. It is possible to create completely new components, like 'joystick', 'wheel-mouse', 'menus-auto' and so on, but then there should be defined their dependances, for example, 'wheel-mouse' component requires something which 'bindings' provides, 'menus-auto' follows 'menus'. Standard components are: background, bindings, buttons, colors, cursors, functions, functions-appbind, globalfeel, menus, menus-programs, menustyle, modules, settings, sound, startup, styles, windowlook. The default theme contains all standard components. A typical theme contains a subset of standard components, like: background, buttons, colors, menustyle, modules, windowlook. Notation colors@cde - means 'colors' component in 'cde' theme. Notation colors@ - means 'colors' component in any theme. Notation @cde - means 'cde' theme or all components in 'cde' theme. It is possible to mix different components from different themes, like background@multichoice, buttons@osx, colors@luthien, cursors@migo. A component can come in several variants (reflected in menu) and can have any number of options (also automatically reflected). Also a component can be a complex one, i.e. include other components, like settings@default. A simple component is defined in one file, more complex components are defined in several files or even better in their own directories. How fvwm-themes works --------------------- This is kind of magic. To be written. How to create your personal parts to use with fvwm-themes --------------------------------------------------------- For the user convenience, there are user-definable versions of all standard component, where she can extend this component. For example, the user can add more bindings in bindings-extra@personal component, more menus in menus-extra@personal component and so on. First, you should create ~/.fvwm/themes/personal directory, if it is not created yet by some graphical utility. To add an extra component to the personal theme, means to create a file in this directory with the name of the needed component. Examples: $HOME/.fvwm/themes/personal/bindings-extra may contain: Key F13 A S FuncFvwmWWW Key Help A A Menu MenuFvwmHelp Key C A CM FuncFvwmConsole $HOME/.fvwm/themes/menus-extra may contain: DestroyMenu MenuFvwmPersonal AddToMenu MenuFvwmPersonal "Personal" Title + "Mozilla Home%menu/www.xpm" Exec exec mozilla + "Remote Shells%menu/terminal.xpm%" Popup MenuMyRemoteShells + "Private%menu/home.xpm%" Popup MenuPrivate $HOME/.fvwm/themes/personal/startup may contain: AddToFunc InitFunction + I Exec sleep 5; panel + I Exec exec xterm -g 80x40+400+100 -fn 7x14 -fb 7x14b Note, since the startup@default is empty, you may define your InitFunction and StartFunction in either startup or startup-extra (we suggest startup@). Don't forget to "Refresh the current theme" for your new components to be reflected in the "Theme Management" menu, then choose them. How to create a new theme ------------------------- Create a directory for the new theme in ~/.fvwm/themes/ directory. We highly suggest to add components of your theme one by one. Adding an entire theme at once is hard and not really needed, adding components one by one also ensures these component will be usable even without rest of components in your theme. The procedure for adding a new component. 1) decide which specific component you want to implement 2) find a theme, which has the same component, which you think is closer to the one you want to implement 3) copy the existing component file(s) or component directory to your own theme directory 4) if there is component.cfg, copy it too 5) you may need to do something about theme.cfg, but usually you do not 6) edit the copied files; don't add fvwm commands which are defined in other components if you want to get an independent component 7) to see your work in action, choose "Refresh the current theme" 8) you should now see your new component in your new theme 9) you can load this component, but don't be upset if it does not work as you expected for the first time, repeat steps 6 and 9 :) 10) repeat steps 6 and 7 as many times as needed; 11) if you messed things up use Restart or unload (drop) your component You can repeat this procedure for every component. We suggest to put your images in mytheme/images subdirectories, like it is done in other themes. There is internal support for these subdirectories. But you can choose other places if you really need. Creating a theme is an art. It is also a technical task. You should decide about such things as division to files/directories, images, other resources. Feel free to ask your questions on fvwm-themes-devel@ mailing list. If you did it right, you get mytheme directory with several components. Execute this command to pack a theme (or even several themes): % fvwm-themes-config --create-pack john_themes theme1 theme2 This creates a tarball containing ft-john_themes-0.6.x directory with theme1 and theme2 subdirectories. Now you can distribute this tarball file to other users. To install a theme (or themes) in this pack one should execute: fvwm-themes-config --install ft-john_themes-0.6.x.tar.gz or to install it to a system wide place (usually as root): fvwm-themes-config --site --install ft-john_themes-0.6.x.tar.gz Good luck in creating new themes. CCDS (Component Configuration and Dependancy System) ---------------------------------------------------- Theme components behave differently, one can be a simple file, other can have several options or go in several variants, or even both. Some options are only fvwm configurations to be read (in this case it is important to specify whether the option files are read before or after the main component file), some options only set dynamical variables to be used by the main file (usually this is done using FvwmM4 variables, but may be done using shell variables; in this case an option has no associated file to be read). The order of reading components is very important. The order between components can be specified by providing their dependancies, say colors@ provides colors-menus item, and menus@ requires colors-menus item, so colors@ will be read before menus@. Both two things mentioned above (component configuration and dependancy) is covered by CCDS and defined in theme.cfg file in every theme. If theme.cfg is absent in the theme, the default one is used, which should work well for themes using only standard components. theme.cfg may include other .cfg files, usually there is one .cfg file for every non-simple component. If you your component has several options or variants, it is suggested to add a corresponding component.cfg, where all options are defined, instead of adding theme.cfg. Syntax of theme.cfg ------------------- The lines started with '#' sign are comments. The like with only spaces/tabs are ignored. Directives started with '!' sign, currently there are following directives: !include file.cfg # includes another file.cfg in this directory !include-quiet file.cfg # the same, but ignore if file.cfg is not found There are several sections of 2 types: [theme] - one such section should be defined [component] - every such section corresponds to a theme component A line in theme.cfg usually has a format key=value, where value is a string, which may mean id, label, number or anything else key may be string as well, but it is usually more complex A section is actually a hash of key=value lines, but since a flat hash is not a good data structure this hash usually contains array of other hashes. If you don't understand these several paragraphs, skip them. We are using here a terminology of perl, where array corresponds to a list of something (strings or hashes), and hash is dictionary or in other words a list of pairs (key, value). All perl values requiring consisting from scalars, ARRAYs, HASHs can be defined in theme.cfg syntax by using symbols dot, plus, colon. Here how we can define array named key0 ARRAY [ HASH { key1 => value1, key2 => value2 }, HASH { key1 => value1 } ] key0+key1=value1 key0.key2=value2 key0+key1=value1 To define array values, like [ Peter, John ] and [ red ], the following syntax is used (note plus before equal sign): team+name+=Peter team.color+=red [theme] section includes the following keys: file - the theme directory if different; never really needs to be defined name - the name-to-show of the theme, if not defined - use 'file' key version - the version of theme.cfg format, currently not used component - array of logical components, note that list of the actual components, which is a subset of this array, is evaluated dynamically by checking whether the file or directory of the given component exist group - array of hashs with keys (name, component), used to define component groups, like [ all ], [ basic look ]. [component] file - the component id, it is the same as component file name - the name-to-show of the component, if not defined - use 'file' key provides - array of item that the component provides requires - array of item that the component requires follows - array of component that the component follows precedes - array of component that the component precedes start-stop - array of hooks that are called when the component is entered (start hook) and when the component is left (stop hook) local-imagepath - array of subdirectories of theme/images directory, which are used by the component, they will be added to ImagePath external-imagepath - array of directories the component uses and expects to be added to ImagePath read-command - fvwm command to use instead of Read main-component-file priority - flag 0 (default) or 1, defines a priority of the component contains - array of subcomponents if the component is a complex component variant - array of hashs with keys (file, name), variants of the component default - default variant index, starting from 1 current - current variant index, starting from 1 option-read-afterward - flag, 1 means read options after the main file inline - flag, 0 (default) means show every option in a separate place, 1 means show all options in-line (in the same menu) option - array of hashs with keys (value, default, current, read-command, read-afterward), defines component options; value itself is array of hashs with keys (file, name)