This file includes the default colors@ component file (I, II, III and IV) and
some comments on where these colorsets are used (V and VI). fvwm-themes uses
internally colorsets 0 to 39, some colorsets are reserved for the future use.
So, a user can freely use colorsets starting from 40 (for example, in his
colors-extra@ component) if he ever needs any additional colorsets.

Colorset N |          Meaning           |           Usage Examples
         0 | default                    | feedback windows, FvwmScroll
         1 | inactive window            | window/icon titles, windows in Pager
         2 | active window              | window/icon titles, windows in Pager
         3 | inactive borders           | window borders (may copy 1)
         4 | active borders             | window borders (may copy 2)
         5 | inactive menu item         | menus (may have pixmap or gradient)
         6 | active menu item           | menus (only bg/fg used)
         7 | greyed menu item           | menus (only fg used)
         8 | reserved                   | for the fvwm-themes future use
         9 | reserved                   | for the fvwm-themes future use
        10 | modules, default           | Button Bar, Pager, other modules
        11 | modules, default hilight   | Button Bar
        12 | modules, special           | gradient for IconMan/IconBox
        13 | modules, swallowed apps    | bg, fg, sh, hi for xclock/xload etc.
        14 | modules, default #2        | alternative for Pager, Button Bar
        15 | modules, default hilight #2| alternative for Pager
        16 | modules, balloons          | TaskBar, Pager
        17 | modules, winlist, standard | item of IconMan, WinList, TaskBar
        18 | modules, winlist, active   | --.--
        19 | modules, winlist, iconified| --.--
        20 | modules, winlist, pointed  | --.--
        21 | modules, ident             | FvwmIdent
        22 | modules, console           | FvwmConsole
        23 | modules, transparent       | Button Bar
        24 | modules, reserved          | for the fvwm-themes future use
        25 | modules, reserved          | for the fvwm-themes future use
        26 | reserved                   | for the fvwm-themes future use
        27 | reserved                   | for the fvwm-themes future use
        28 | reserved                   | for the fvwm-themes future use
        29 | dynamical/temporary        | tools for choosing/previewing colors
        30 | regular terminal           | xterm/rxvt or any other terminal
        31 | admin terminal             | terminal for root (su)
        32 | remote terminal            | terminal with ssh/rsh/telnet
        33 | viewer terminal            | man, less, tail -f
        34 | console application        | top, editor
        35 | dialog main area           | FvwmScript, FvwmForm, xmessage
        36 | dialog text area           | FvwmScript, FvwmForm, xmessage
        37 | reserved                   | for the fvwm-themes future use
        38 | reserved                   | for the fvwm-themes future use
        39 | reserved                   | for the fvwm-themes future use

# ****************************************************************************
# I.   FVWM Colorsets (0 to 9)
#       I.1. Default Colorsets
#       I.2. Window Decorations
#       I.3. Menu Colorsets
# II.  Module Colorsets (10 to 29)
#       II.1. Common Colorsets
#       II.2. Window List Module Colorsets
#       II.3. Other Module Colorsets
#       II.4. External Colorsets
# III. Application Colorsets (30 to 35)
# IV.  Start/Stop functions
# V.   Module Configurations (under modules/)
# VI.  Miscellaneous Configurations
# ****************************************************************************

# ============================================================================
# I. FVWM Colorsets
# ============================================================================

# ----------------------
# I.1. Default Colorsets
# ----------------------

# for feedback windows (like geometry window and NoteMessage) and FvwmScroll
Colorset 0 fg black, bg #70A0A0

# -----------------------
# I.2. Window Decorations
# -----------------------

# The following colors are used in FvwmPager for the window colors
# and in a title bar of windows (shade/hilight colors, computed from
# the bg color, but might be specified directly by sh and hi).
# The title bar background is defined below using TitleStyle.

# window title, inactive and active
Colorset 1 fg black, bg rgb:88/7C/66, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 2 fg black, bg rgb:CC/BA/99, Plain, NoShape

# window borders, inactive and active
Colorset 3 fg black, bg rgb:88/7C/66, Plain, NoShape
Colorset 4 fg black, bg rgb:CC/BA/99, Plain, NoShape

# background for window title, buttons and border
DestroyFunc FuncFvwmDecorBackground
AddToFunc   FuncFvwmDecorBackground
+ I TitleStyle ActiveUp   (Solid rgb:CC/BA/99 -- Raised)
+ I TitleStyle ActiveDown (Solid rgb:CC/BA/99 -- Raised)
+ I TitleStyle Inactive   (Solid rgb:88/7C/66 -- Raised)
+ I TitleStyle ToggledActiveUp   (Solid rgb:CC/BA/99 -- Raised)
+ I TitleStyle ToggledActiveDown (Solid rgb:CC/BA/99 -- Raised)
+ I TitleStyle ToggledInactive   (Solid rgb:88/7C/66 -- Raised)

+ I ButtonStyle All Pixmap 16x16/empty.xpm
+ I ButtonStyle All -- UseTitleStyle

# -------------------
# I.3. Menu Colorsets
# -------------------

# inactive menu item fg+bg and menu face if any
Colorset 5 fg black, bg rgb:80/98/B0, Plain, NoShape

# active menu item fg+bg
Colorset 6 fg black, bg rgb:90/A9/C2, Plain, NoShape

# greyed menu item fg
Colorset 7 fg grey48, bg grey48, Plain, NoShape

# -------------------------------------------------
# Colorsets 8 and 9 are reserved for the future use.

# ============================================================================
# II. Module Colorsets
# ============================================================================

# ----------------------
# II.1. Common Colorsets
# ----------------------

# default for modules
# For FvwmButtons, FvwmPager, can be also used for FvwmIconMan, FvwmIconBox.
Colorset 10 fg black, bg rgb:80/A0/A0, Plain, NoShape

# default hilight for modules
# For hilighting a part of a button bar (some swallowed apps for example).
Colorset 11 fg black, bg white, Plain, NoShape

# special or funny: a gradient or a pixmap
# May be used in certain FvwmButtons, FvwmIconMan, FvwmIconBox.
Colorset 12 fg black, bg rgb:80/A0/A0, \
	VGradient 20 rgb:80/A0/A0 rgb:C0/F0/F0, NoShape

# swallowed window: the hilight and shadow colors should be defined
# (-hd of xclock and -hl of xload use sh, and -hl of xclock uses hi)
Colorset 13 fg black, bg rgb:70/8C/8C, hi black, sh gray40, \
	Plain, NoShape

# default #2
# FvwmPager or to get more colors in FvwmButtons, can be set to 10.
Colorset 14 fg black, bg rgb:80/A0/A0, Plain, NoShape

# default hilight #2
# FvwmPager or to get more colors in FvwmButtons, can be set to 11.
Colorset 15 fg black, bg rgb:C0/F0/F0, Plain, NoShape

# tips/balloons (TaskBar and FvwmPager)
Colorset 16 fg black, bg rgb:F0/F0/C0, Plain, NoShape

# ----------------------------------
# II.2. Window List Module Colorsets
# ----------------------------------

# standard item
Colorset 17 fg black, bg rgb:80/A0/A0, Plain, NoShape

# active item
Colorset 18 fg black, bg rgb:A0/C8/C8, Plain, NoShape

# iconified item
Colorset 19 fg white, bg rgb:60/78/78, Plain, NoShape

# pointed item
Colorset 20 fg black, bg rgb:88/AA/AA, Plain, NoShape

# ----------------------------
# II.3. Other Module Colorsets
# ----------------------------

# FvwmIdent
Colorset 21 fg black, bg bisque, Plain, NoShape

# FvwmConsole
Colorset 22 fg white, bg rgb:00/30/60, Plain, NoShape

# transparent
#Colorset 23 fg $[fg.cs10], bg $[bg.cs10], Transparent, Plain, NoShape

# ------------------------
# II.4. External Colorsets
# ------------------------

# ----------------------------
# reserved for modules@: 24-25

# ----------------------------------
# reserved for the future use: 26-28

# temporary colorset: 29, has no static definition, used dynamically

# ============================================================================
# III. Application Colorsets
# ============================================================================

# regular terminal (xterm, rxvt, Eterm)
Colorset 30 fg white, bg rgb:00/00/50, Plain, NoShape

# admin terminal (su xterm)
Colorset 31 fg white, bg rgb:00/50/50, Plain, NoShape

# remote terminal (ssh, telnet)
Colorset 32 fg white, bg rgb:50/00/00, Plain, NoShape

# viewer terminal (man, less, tail -f)
Colorset 33 fg white, bg rgb:00/50/00, Plain, NoShape

# application run in the terminal, text editor using ft-xrdb
Colorset 34 fg rgb:FF/FF/E8, bg rgb:30/48/48, Plain, NoShape

# dialog main background (FvwmScript, FvwmForm, xmessage, ft-xrdb)
Colorset 35 fg black, bg rgb:80/A0/80, Plain, NoShape

# dialog text area (FvwmScript, FvwmForm, xmessage, ft-xrdb)
Colorset 36 fg black, bg rgb:A0/C8/A0, Plain, NoShape

# --------------------------------------------------
# Colorsets 37 to 39 are reserved for the future use.

# ============================================================================
# IV. Start/Stop Functions:
# ============================================================================

# These functions are executed when you enter (Start) and when you leave
# (Stop) this component. For example, in colors@blackbox they are used to
# set/unset a good window "transparency" style ParentalRelativity/Opacity;
# in colors@cde and colors@luthien these functions are used for more things.

DestroyFunc FuncFvwmStartColors
AddToFunc   FuncFvwmStartColors

DestroyFunc FuncFvwmStopColors
AddToFunc   FuncFvwmStopColors

# ============================================================================
# V. Module Configurations (under modules/)
# ============================================================================

# The actual module configuration commands, including their colorset
# settings may be found in the theme directory modules/ in files named
# FvwmModule and FvwmModule-SubName.
# Examples:
# *FvwmPager-Single: Colorset * 14
# *FvwmPager-Single: HilightColorset * 15
# *FvwmPager-Single: WindowColorsets 1 2
# *FvwmPager-Single: BalloonColorset * 16
# *FvwmPager-Desker: Colorset * 14
# *FvwmPager-Desker: HilightColorset * 15
# *FvwmPager-Desker: WindowColorsets 1 2
# *FvwmPager-Desker: BalloonColorset * 16
# *FvwmIconMan: Colorset         12
# *FvwmIconMan: IconColorset     19
# *FvwmIconMan: PlainColorset    17
# *FvwmIconMan: SelectColorset   20
# *FvwmIconMan: FocusColorset    18
# *FvwmIconMan: FocusAndSelectColorset 20
# *FvwmButtons: Colorset 10
# *FvwmTaskBar: Colorset 17
# *FvwmTaskBar: FocusColorset 18
# *FvwmTaskBar: IconColorset 19
# *FvwmTaskBar: TipsColorset 16
# *FvwmWinList: Colorset 17
# *FvwmWinList: FocusColorset 18
# *FvwmWinList: IconColorset 19
# *FvwmIconBox: Colorset   12
# *FvwmIconBox: IconColorset 17
# *FvwmIconBox: IconHiColorset 18

# ============================================================================
# VI. Miscellaneous Configurations
# ============================================================================

# Application colorsets are used in menus@default and menus-programs@default,
# functions@default, functions-appbind@default and other components.
# Examples:
# Module FvwmConsole -fg $[fg.cs22] -bg $[bg.cs22]
# Exec exec xterm -fg $[fg.cs30] -bg $[bg.cs30]
# Exec exec xterm -fg $[fg.cs31] -bg $[bg.cs31] -e su -l
# Exec exec xterm -fg $[fg.cs32] -bg $[bg.cs32] -T "Remote" -e rsh tiger
# Exec exec xterm -fg $[fg.cs33] -bg $[bg.cs33] -T "File Viewer" -e less "$0"
# FvwmScript FvwmScript-ThemesCenter --text-colorset 36 --viewer-colorset 33
# FvwmScript FvwmScript-IconBrowser --text-colorset 36 --icon-colorset 10